Have you ever wished that you would one day receive that special acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Well don’t give up hope just yet!Thanks to a team of dedicated Harry Potter fans, you can now enrol and study at Hogwarts online.Through this online school, you can now attend magic classes, get to know other witches and wizards, sleep in the Hogwart’s dorms and choose your own house (come on Gryffindor!)After registering, students receive their acceptance letter signed by the Headmistress Professor McGonagall before heading to Diagon Alley to collect first year books.Don’t confuse this as a game guys! This is a serious education for the witches and wizards of our world. Students are required to submit homework, essays and assignments which are marked and graded.To graduate to the following year of study, students must pass exams for each of their subjects – so study is required for a magical graduation!The site is known as Hogwardsishere and students must be 13 or older to enrol, please also ask permission from a parent before enrolling at Hogwarts!
OMG Is this real I could be just like Hermione Granger

Ekk I'm so excited but sadly I have to wait two years to enter but its worth the wait
Tha looks cool